Befriending / Companion
Our befriending and companion service is a free online confidential and non-judgemental listening resource for our African-Caribbean kidney community.
We provide support, friendship, encouragement, and advice to anyone who needs it. This enables the person to have conversations and get support without feeling judged or judged themselves. It helps people take the first step in moving towards a more satisfying relationship.
The service is based on a series of ‘Befriending’ sessions, which are designed to help you find out more about yourself and your ability to cope with your diagnosis. You will be supported by a trained listener while you discuss the issues that are affecting you. The result is a deeper understanding of the problem and greater confidence to try to change things for the better.
Services are delivered by trained volunteers who understand what might be going on in your life at the time. No one else in the world can do this for you so it is important that you choose someone that feels right for you and who has faith in your ability to work through things yourself. Our befriending and companion service can help you feel better about yourself, the way you look and think, or just help you relax.
One of our volunteers will listen to you describe your concerns or issues; they will ask questions to explore how these affect your life and offer advice and ideas about how to improve things. You do not need to have any special skills or be able to hold a conversation, just be willing to listen.
The mission of WSH BME Network is to create a world where people are free to be themselves without fear. We operate a grassroots model using volunteers, coaches, and professionals who listen, offer support, and provide information. Providing support to people in crisis or struggling with their mental health. Our first priority is to provide the person in crisis with a listening ear and allow them to speak out about their problem.
Befriending is a service that offers listening support and. Befriending is not therapy, however it does provide a safe space to talk through difficult issues and feelings. People of all ages are welcome to come along, whatever your sexual orientation or experience of BME. There is no obligation to do anything else while you are here, just come along on a regular basis if you want to talk about your life or listen to others’ experiences. Book Here