Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.


A problem shared is a problem halved

We provide a service to help people make a decision to becoming a donor on the organ or blood donor register. Kidney failure is a very serious issue that can occur to anyone at any time. It is important for kidney and transplant patients and their family to get the advice and support they require.

We provide a range of different advice and support services for our service users. including Advocacy, Benefits Application, Befriending/Companion service, Emergency Childcare Service, Free Advice Clinic etc. Our counselling program is a great way to speak about those issues that bother people in the kidney community, and our qualified counsellors are there to help people grow in confidence and discuss their worries.

These support services are designed to aid our service users in reaching their desired outcomes.


We are advocates for kidney and transplant patients, and have a lot of experience with kidney disease. We understand the challenges that people with kidney disease face daily and are passionate about speaking on their behalf.

Donation Form


$0 of $1,000 raised

Befriending / Companion

Our befriending and companion service is a free online confidential and non-judgemental listening resource for our African-Caribbean kidney community.

Benefits Applications

At WSH BME Network, we provide a range of support services to help the BME kidney disease community navigate the healthcare system and with their benefits applications and appeals.

Blood Donation Campaign

Blood donations are crucial to ensure we have enough blood available for people from the BME community when they need it. Everyone can help save a life. Join our campaign as a volunteer or register to make a donation. Book Here

Emergency Childcare Service

WSH BME Network provides emergency childcare cover for people especially when they do not have family close by and their local authorities are unable to, temporarily, meet their needs.

Free Advice Clinic

We provide advice on every aspect of living with kidney disease as a long-term health condition, from diagnosis, dialysis, recruitment, job retention or employment advice, to organ donation and post-transplant life

Group Counselling

People with kidney and/or transplant long-term health conditions find it hard to deal with the pain and anxiety that accompanies their condition.

Hospital Support

Sometimes. all we need is someone to be there when we need that support.

Organ Donation Campaign

Signing up to the donor register does not have to be a sad experience. By registering you are committing to supporting someone else in need and even save a life

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